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Legal Professional:

CABA Pro Bono

Attorney Ad Litem,Human Trafficing and Domestic victims representation,Immigrant Childrens Program,Landlord/Tenant,Eviction Program,Veterans Program.

Miami, FL

39Years of Experience




CABA Pro Bono Legal Services is committed to effecting positive change in the lives of children, individuals and families in need through legal advocacy. Our team achieves this by offering free, direct legal assistance for civil legal matters to low-income Florida residents- regardless of race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation or national origin.

Lawyer Rating:

  • Legal Knowledge 100% 100%
  • Legal Analysis 95% 95%
  • Communication 95% 95%
  • Professionalism 100% 100%

Our Score:



Law Firm Information

CABA Pro Bono Legal Services began in 1984, when Jose Garrido, a past president of CABA Pro Bono Project, saw the need of Spanish speakers in the community who did not have access to legal representation. A group of attorneys gathered, united by one passion: to
help the disadvantaged by providing pro bono representation.

 In 2006, CABA Pro Bono’s serving president, Manuel L. Crespo, advocated for the project to become its own entity, establishing it as a 501c3 nonprofit organization, with its own board members and permanent physical location in Little Havana at the nonprofit Abriendo Puertas. Here, Mr. Crespo set up shop, painting the walls, redoing the floors, and hiring its first employee, Maria Jacqueline Rodriguez, who is currently still employed and working hard for them.

 CABA Pro Bono remained at this office until 2008, before relocating to a location near the Orange Bowl. In 2009, under executive director Raul Flores, CABA Pro Bono hired its first staff attorney to handle foreclosure cases in-house. Before this, CABA Pro Bono referred all cases to volunteer attorneys. CABA Pro Bono continued to grow with the hard work of many, including past president, Sandra Ferrera, who served as the Pro Bono Chair for many years.

 In 2013, under the leadership of executive director, Lesley Mendoza, Esq., CABA Pro Bono moved to its current offices at 2400 South Dixie Highway and added another staff attorney. At that time, the immigrant children’s program (“Mi Futuro”) was created to benefit abused, abandoned, and neglected immigrant children. This program has represented over 1,200 immigrant children since its inception.

Practice Areas



CABA Pro Bono Legal Services’ mission is to change lives of children, individuals and families in need through legal advocacy by providing free legal services to those who cannot otherwise afford it – regardless of race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation or national origin.

Our team assists the underprivileged, low-income victims of abuse and families in Miami-Dade County living within 125% of the poverty guideline, regardless of their ethnicity.

Please refer all inquiries via e-mail us at 

Legal Challenges We Can Help with

Free Legal Advocy for those unable to afford it.


– Free Consultation
– Credit Card Accepted


– English
– Spanish

Key Team

– Lesley Mendoza,Beatriz Schachter,Viviana Busutil



2400 S Dixie Hwy #2

Miami,FL 33133

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